Saturday, May 23, 2009

It's VBS Season!

Directors and teachers throughout southern Illinois and across the country are gathering supplies for Vacation Bible/Church School!

Several VBS themes offered by the church-related publishing houses this year focus on camping, hiking, safaris, crocodiles and boomerangs!
Group's "Crocodile Dock" screams for crocodile puppets, figures, and plush animals to augment the theme. We have Folkmanis puppets who can tell the story or just be a play toy for the children.
Gospel Light's "Kids Camp Son" has a camping theme. Camping play sets or inexpensive compasses can serve as thematic play.
Safari themes take children on an imaginary trip to Australia. Animal figures from National Geographic, Schleich and Safari, Inc. can augment that curriculum. Or how about Australian hats for the teachers?

Yes, My Favorite Toys, our brick and mortar store at University Mall in Carbondale, IL and can help to help accessorize the special VBS week.

Come visit us!

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