Monday, October 12, 2009

Whoopie! Halloween Is Coming At My Favorite Toys!

So a young professional was in our store this morning, asking whether we carry whoopie cushions.

"Of course," we say, and directed him to the Pranks and Magic section.

Back he came to the check-out counter in a couple of minutes with two whoopie cushions in hand.

"Playing some tricks at lunch today?" we asked.

"No, my daughter has decided to be a giant whoopie cushion for Halloween. Just need some sound effects," he replied.

Now this is a Halloween costume we'd like to see. Hope she comes through the treat-or-treat line at our store at University Mall in Carbondale on Halloween night.

Friday, October 9, 2009

My Favorite Toys and Now Have Hiking Joe Bender and Hiking Jane Bender!

They're here!

Hiking Joe and Jane Bender, the latest in the Hogwild series of Benders, arrived today!

These new Benders are really cool! Joe and Jane have magnets in theirs hands and feet so they stick to most metal objects, including their own tins with built-in compass. Each comes with a backpack and walking stick so even when you are not enjoying the great outdoors, Joe and Jane can imagine that they are.

The Hikers, Joe and Jane, are sold separately, and each are discounted $1.00 from the suggested retail price of $9.95. So that makes their price, uh, let's see --- $8.95!

They're available at out brick and mortar store at University Mall in Carbondale, IL or at our online store,

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My Favorite Toys and the "Hot Toy List"

So it's October and by now the corporate toy chain (we won't mention names but can we say "giraffe") has published its hot toy list for the Holidays.

To which we say, "Beware!"

To the the corporate toy chain, "hot toy list" primarily means, "items we want to push and we hope we can convince you shoppers to create a frenzy for a few of them." And sadly it usually works....then by January 15 those must-have toys are never heard from again.

At My Favorite Toys we ourselves will publish a "Top Ten Toy List" in about four weeks. But our list is based on customer preview reactions, creative play value, developmental benefits, and, yes, just plain fun. Our list is not tied to the latest movie, or TV show, or electronic fad.

And as an independent, family-owned, enterprise, we then compile the items ourselves --- our list doesn't come through a national edict from a corporate headquaters hundreds of miles away.

This approach is consistent with the way we run My Favorite Toys, our flagship store at University Mall in Carbondale, IL, and our online store, all year around.

Give us a try this Holiday season. We'll serve you with quality toys, puzzles, games and puppets....and whether you shop at our brick and mortar store or at, we'll treat you as a valued friend, not a commodity in a warehouse store!

...stepping down off our soapbox now!