Saturday, July 18, 2009

Making Friends at My Favorite Toys and!

In yesterday's blog posting, we recommended a Wall Street Journal opinion piece on the importance of independently-owned specialty retail shops. Stores such as our family-owned My Favorite Toys at University Mall in the heart of the United States in Carbondale, IL.

We also work hard to provide a personal touch at our online store, Although it's a bit more difficult to get to know our customers in this venue, we are often able to provide items for special occasions. For example, yesterday we shipped a "dinosaur family" ---- two green T-Rex puppets and a hatching baby dino from Folkmanis Puppets as gifts to a customer in Indianapolis. A young customer in our brick-and-mortar store is pictured above admiring this family before we shipped them!

This morning, our last four Collectors Series Saturn V rockets from Action Products International blasted off to Lexington, KY, where they will become centerpieces at a wedding rehearsal dinner for a young NASA space program designer. Pretty neat, huh?

Just two reason why, when customers browse our store and muse, "Wow, you must have the best jobs in the world!" we just smile and nod yes!

Friday, July 17, 2009

In Praise Of Shopkeepers!

Happily, more and more consumers are supporting the notion that locally-owned, independent specialty retail shops are important to a community's vitality and future.

This perspective is expressed magnificantly in yesterday's Wall Street Journal column, "In Praise Of Shopkeepers," by Joseph Epstein. We highly recommend it to shoppers, store owners, local governmental officials, and well, everyone!

Of locally-based specialty shops, Epstein says, "The element of unpredictability, of delightful surprise, should be part of the adventure of shopping -- an element precluded by the standard stores never owned by anyone on the premises." At My Favorite Toys and, we certainly strive to offer our customers such "delightful surprises" that can't be found in the warehouse big box stores.

Epstein says, "Running a good shop is a service to one's community, of much greater value, in my view, than the work of two hundred social workers, five hundred psychotherapists, and a thousand second-rate poets -- and more honorable than the efforts of the vast majority of the members of Congress. A nation of shopkeepers..... sounds more and more like an ideal to which a healthy country ought to aspire."

Thursday, July 16, 2009

My Favorite Toys Still Has Swimming Pool Benders!

Oh no, the Swimming Pool Benders by Hogwild Toys are being discontinued! Hogwild has exhausted its inventory and will be shipping no more to suppliers.

But wait! My Favorite Toys, our brick-and-mortar store at University Mall in Carbondale (IL) and our online store,, still have a limited supply in stock. So, quick, while the summer swim season is at its peak, you can be the proud owner of this set ---- Mojo Bender with his fin and snorkle and Ginger in her stylish two-piece.

Click here to get your Swimming Pool Benders!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

"Is It A Bag Or A Backpack?"

Jake (above) doesn't care what you call it! What's important is that the My Favorite Toys Reusable Bag is large enough to hold the Thomas Wooden Railway Rolling Gantry Crane that Jake purchased today with his birthday money!

The bright "green" bags are turning up in lots of places since we introduced them on Earth Day this year. In fact, two southern Illinoisans connected on vacation at Myrtle Beach, SC, last week when a My Favorite Toys shopper recognized our bag another vacationer was using as a beach bag!

It's a neato bag, really, larger than many of the reusable ones, and with pockets on either side for drinks, snacks etc. Right now, this $3.25 value is free with a $35.00 purchase at My Favorite Toys at University Mall in Carbondale.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

It's Getting Easier To Be Green!

Kermit the Frog will be happy to hear the news --- it's getting easier to be green!

At My Favorite Toys, our brick and mortar store at University Mall in Carbondale, IL, and at, we're working with manufacturers to offer "green" products to our customers.

In fact, Playthings Magazine reports this week that an environmental labeling group, EcoLogo, is developing a program for certifying the environmental friendliness of toys.

"Growing numbers of toys and children's products have been making environmental claims like 'all natural' and 'earth friendly' without consistent meanings to the terms and without providing any proof of the accuracy or relevance of the claims," says Scot Case, executive director of the EcoLogo program. "The new EcoLogo standard will define clear criteria that products must meet before they can claim environmental leadership."

We just received a great product from Thames and Kosmos, one of our primary suppliers of science products. The Power House/Green Essentials is an experiment kit with book that introduces kids 10 years and old to regenerative energy sources and sustainable living, while teaching basic concepts in physical science. By building a model house and nine other energy-related devices, one learns about energy from the sun, wind, plants and electrochemical reactions. The kit creatively integrates physical science lessons with the story of a group of island dwellers learning to live sustainably on a remote island. To survive, they must learn how to harness the power of the sun and the wind, and other natural resources. As the participant reads their story, he/she does the same projects. The full-color experiment manual guides the participant through all the activities. It's priced at $79.95, which is $10.00 less than the manufacturer's suggested retail price.

If you are a shopper, click here to buy Power House/Green Essentials, or, if you are within driving distance of our Carbondale store, come visit us!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Playing With Your Kids When (Shhh!) You'd Rather Not

Parents want to be more than just parents. We want to be good parents—and by “good”, we mean exemplary. That’s why we try so hard to get it right. We cuddle up with the kids as often as possible to read a bedtime story. We work to strike a balance between predictable family routines that anchor our children and unstructured time that gives them space to test their creativity. For us, parenting is about much more than keeping them safe, clean, and fed.

And because we know play is important, isn’t it the highlight of our day when we get down on the floor with the little ones to build with blocks or put four-piece puzzles together? Well, actually….maybe not. Many parents may be reluctant to admit it, but some of us just don’t like playing with our kids very much. Are we bad parents?

Relax. Here’s the thing. For some adults, engaging with kids and their play really is the highlight of their day. For others, frankly, it’s just plain boring and not very much fun. It’s not about good parenting or otherwise. It’s all about your personality.

It makes sense that not everyone is wild about playing with their kids. Think about how it feels for a child to adjust to your world—say, when you go shopping and they tag along. Ten minutes feels like three days to them. It’s really no different when you adjust to your child’s play world, which is all about make-believe and ever-changing rules that you don’t understand and high energy activities that may exhaust you after a long day at work. Ten minutes of that will feel like an eternity to some moms and dads, and reasonably so.

Research supports this claim. Princeton University professors Daniel Kahneman and Alan Kreuger found that while parents generally insist playing with their children is among their favorite activities, the time they spend doing it gives them about as much pleasure as housework does. Research also demonstrates that parental engagement with children during play can support literacy development and imaginative thinking.

If kids’ play is indeed so important, and you’re one of the parents who don’t find it so interesting to play with your child, what should you do?

Some suggestions from the staff at My Favorite Toys and

*For your parent-child play include activities YOU like to do. If you like museums, take the kids and bring colored pencils and paper to “copy” masterpieces together. (Make sure your budding artist keeps his creativity on the paper!). Visit parts of the museum that have interest for both you and your kids, like dinosaurs or miniatures exhibits. If you like leisurely walks, set up a scavenger hunt for your little one along and bring her along. If you like books, make books together—you a scrapbook, your child a story for grandma.

*Keep it short. Find games or activities you can finish quickly without feeling rushed. For instance, the 12 to 15 minute games such as Hula Hippos from Gamewright are great. If you find your attention wandering during play, opt out by telling your child, “It’s time for me to stop playing now, but you can keep playing by yourself.” If the activity requires two people, show your child how to adjust the activity to do it by herself.

*Give yourself credit. If the get-down-on-the-floor play is only slightly more tolerable than the endlessly-push-the-swing-at-the-park play, and you’re feeling guilty about not wanting to do any of it, give yourself credit for the things you are doing. Sometimes parents get a bit narrow in their definition of play and they don’t realize that reading, for example, ‘counts’ as play and can be made even more playful by acting out the story together. An ‘I Spy’ game at the grocery store is wonderful play, even if it’s in the context of another non-play activity.

Parent-child play does support healthy child development and help create treasured memories. Yet you don’t have to have the play repertoire of a preschool teacher or the non-stop energy of your neighbor who never seems to do anything except play with her kids. So relax. Your child will thrive if you just let yourself be you. After all, the real, authentic you is the most important person in the world to your little one.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

More Sales, More Friends For and My Favorite Toys!

So yesterday's Wall Street Journal reports continued handwringing by major retailers about upcoming back-to-school sales and prospects for the remainder of 2009.

The article reports that "Some chains have cut inventory as much as 20%, compared to previous years' levels."

Not so at My Favorite Toys and! Our sales are up in excess of 7% for the first six months of 2009, and success at both our brick-and-mortar store at University Mall in Carbondale, IL and our online store have allowed us to expand, not reduce, the number of new and creative items, such as new Joe Benders, Uglydolls, My Name Piggybanks, new Science sets, new puzzles, etc. etc.

These are items that MIGHT be available in the big chain stores months or years from now. As an independently-owned specialty toy store, we search for new and innovative products, so they are available to you, our customers, first!

We thank our strong base of customers for responding to this approach. You allow us to continue to invest in creative, educational and just plain fun toy, games, and puzzles for kids of all ages!

Thank you!