Thursday, July 9, 2009

It's Getting Easier To Be Green!

Kermit the Frog will be happy to hear the news --- it's getting easier to be green!

At My Favorite Toys, our brick and mortar store at University Mall in Carbondale, IL, and at, we're working with manufacturers to offer "green" products to our customers.

In fact, Playthings Magazine reports this week that an environmental labeling group, EcoLogo, is developing a program for certifying the environmental friendliness of toys.

"Growing numbers of toys and children's products have been making environmental claims like 'all natural' and 'earth friendly' without consistent meanings to the terms and without providing any proof of the accuracy or relevance of the claims," says Scot Case, executive director of the EcoLogo program. "The new EcoLogo standard will define clear criteria that products must meet before they can claim environmental leadership."

We just received a great product from Thames and Kosmos, one of our primary suppliers of science products. The Power House/Green Essentials is an experiment kit with book that introduces kids 10 years and old to regenerative energy sources and sustainable living, while teaching basic concepts in physical science. By building a model house and nine other energy-related devices, one learns about energy from the sun, wind, plants and electrochemical reactions. The kit creatively integrates physical science lessons with the story of a group of island dwellers learning to live sustainably on a remote island. To survive, they must learn how to harness the power of the sun and the wind, and other natural resources. As the participant reads their story, he/she does the same projects. The full-color experiment manual guides the participant through all the activities. It's priced at $79.95, which is $10.00 less than the manufacturer's suggested retail price.

If you are a shopper, click here to buy Power House/Green Essentials, or, if you are within driving distance of our Carbondale store, come visit us!

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