Monday, February 1, 2010

My Favorite Toys and --- A Mom and Pop Operation!

My Favorite Toys at University Mall in Carbondale, IL is definitely a Mom and Pop store. Oh, we do have other staff, and we carry the latest brands of toys, games, puzzles and games (in fact we stock unique and up-and-coming toys from small manufacturers before the Big Box stores grab them)!

And we pride ourselves on customer service, and knowing many customers by name. We delight in watching our customers grow from newborns to big kids!

But we also work hard at making,our online store, a Mom and Pop cyberstore. Sound like a contradiction in terms?

Well, it is a bit more difficult, but we often chat back and forth at with customers before and after a purchase is made. This pleases but surprises most of our customers. Just the other day we responded to a customer who had ordered an item that was out of stock but soon to be returning. We explained this and asked the customer how he'd like to proceed. "I've never had an online store take the time to respond so quickly and thoroughly to an order, " he wrote. We thought, "Doesn't everybody?"

Apparently not. So this motivates us to become even more widely known as "that great online site that thinks it's a Mom and Pop store."

We also remember our new friend, Grace, in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, who purchased a "Lily" My Name Piggy Bank from us. Both Grace and we had to jump through a few hoops to get the transaction completed. Upon her receipt of the Bank, Grace sent us a picture and told us a little about Lily, the recipient. We exchanged holiday greetings and Grace promised to visit us in Illinois when she visits the United States. Now is that cool or what?

So you get the idea. We're a Mom and Pop business, whether in person at our brick-and mortar store or "on the web!"

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