Saturday, March 21, 2009

Uglydoll Trunko - Freaking Out For Spring!

At our online store, and at My Favorite Toys, our brick and mortar store at University Mall in Carbondale, IL, the Uglydolls plush characters are a big deal. One of the newest in the Uglydoll line is Trunko, who boasts a fairly calm-looking, spring-like hue.
But all Uglydolls have their own unique persoanlity, and Trunko is anything but calm! Plainly speaking, Trunko is over the top. He freaks out over everything and overreacting is his hobby.When the chips are down, he orders a million more chips at wholesale prices. Where there's smoke there's fire..and there's Trunko using a fire hose to put out his birthday candles. Full throttle, go go go...You know how you look before you leap? Yeah, that's not Trunko.
But, like all Uglydolls, Trunko is loveable, and a real friend, and he comes in several sizes. Visit or My Favorite Toys to check out Trunko and his many Uglydoll friends!

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